
API Testing with Insomnia and Burp Suite: An Alternative to Postman

Learn how to use Insomnia and Burp Suite for API testing and hacking as a powerful alternative to Postman. Set up Insomnia, capture API requests with mitmproxy, convert them to OpenAPI 3.0 format, and integrate Insomnia with Burp Suite for API Testing, including detecting improper asset management vulnerabilities.

API Testing with Insomnia and Burp Suite: An Alternative to Postman


In this blog post, I’ll show you how to use Insomnia and Burp Suite for API testing and hacking as an alternative to Postman.

You’ll learn how to set up Insomnia, capture API requests with mitmproxy, and convert them to OpenAPI 3.0 format using mitmproxy2swagger for easy import into tools like Insomnia or Postman.

I’ll walk you through Insomnia’s features, like managing variables, organizing requests, and integrating with Burp Suite to intercept and modify requests.

Finally, I’ll show you how to test for Improper Asset Management (public or outdated API versions) using Insomnia with Burp Suite’s match-and-replace rules to detect outdated endpoints.

I created this guide because I needed an alternative to Postman, which lacks local storage for collections. Insomnia proved to be the great choice with its intuitive UI, powerful features, and the ability to store collections locally, making it ideal for testing sensitive APIs.

This blog post was created because I was doing the API Penetration Test course. I highly recommend it, it’s a great material and completely free!


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Table of Contents


For this blog post you will need:

Installing Insomnia

  1. Go to, and click on “Download Insomnia for Ubuntu”.
    • This should download a .deb file.
  2. Open a terminal, cd into the directory where the .deb file is located.
  3. Install insomnia with the command below:
    sudo apt install ./Insomnia.Core-10.2.0.deb
  4. If you encounter an error like this during installation:
    Download is performed unsandboxed as root as file '/home/kali/Downloads/Insomnia.Core-10.2.0.deb' couldn't be accessed by user '_apt'. - pkgAcquire::Run (13: Permission denied)
  5. This is a non-fatal warning. It occurs because the _apt user does not have permission to access the directory where the .deb file is located.
  6. A quick solution is to move the .deb file into a location accessible by _apt, such as /tmp, and then install it from there:
    mv ./Insomnia.Core-10.2.0.deb /tmp/
    sudo apt install /tmp/Insomnia.Core-10.2.0.deb

    Installing mitmproxy2swagger

mitmproxy2swagger converts all recorded requests into the OpenAPI 3.0 format with auto-generated documentation, making them ready for use in tools like Insomnia.

Run the commands below to install it:

git clone
cd mitmproxy2swagger
python3 -m venv mitmproxy_venv
source mitmproxy_venv/bin/activate
pip install .

The commands above create a Python virtual environment with all the dependencies required for mitmproxy2swagger to run.

Make sure to activate this environment using the source mitmproxy_venv/bin/activate command each time you want to use mitmproxy2swagger.

Fix common mitmweb/mitmproxy error

  1. If you encounter the error:
    • module 'bcrypt' has no attribute '__about__'.
  2. You can fix this by installing mitmproxy using pipx like so:
# Install mitmproxy
pipx install mitmproxy;
# Send mitmproxy's links to /usr/bin/
sudo mv ~/.local/bin/mitmproxy /usr/bin/mitmproxy;
sudo mv ~/.local/bin/mitmweb /usr/bin/mitmweb;
sudo mv ~/.local/bin/mitmdump /usr/bin/mitmdump;

Capturing and Converting API Requests to OpenAPI 3.0

In this section, I will guide you through recording API requests using mitmweb and converting them into an OpenAPI 3.0 spec.yml file with mitmproxy2swagger. This allows you to import the requests into any API testing tool, such as Insomnia.

Follow this steps:

  1. Setup mitmweb proxy listener
  2. Configure FoxyProxy for mitmweb
  3. Install the mitmweb certificates
  4. Record API Request and Generating OpenAPI Spec File

Setup mitmweb proxy listener

In this section, we’ll configure the mitmweb proxy listener to intercept and forward all API requests through Burp Suite. This setup ensures all requests are sent to Burp Suite, avoiding the need to retest your application later on.

Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Set Burp Suite Proxy to an Alternate Port
    • Change the Burp Suite proxy port to any number other than 8080/8081, for example,
    • This ensures there are no conflicts with the default ports used by mitmweb.
    • 857b2652526813be312472fcd4fbd533.png
  2. Start Proxying Web Traffic with mitmweb
    • Run the following command to start mitmweb:
    • mitmweb --mode upstream:
    • The upstream mode directs all traffic through Burp Suite.
    • By default, mitmweb creates a proxy listener on port 8080 and opens a monitoring interface on port 8081.
  3. If you got the error:

Configure FoxyProxy for mitmweb

  1. Access FoxyProxy Settings
    • Open the FoxyProxy extension and select Options
  2. Add a New Proxy
    • Navigate to the Proxies tab, click Add, and input the proxy details as shown below:
    • f1ec8639d3812b23b9e4f0ca7a447828.png
  3. Enable the mitmweb Proxy
    • Go back to the FoxyProxy extension and select the mitmweb proxy you just created to start routing traffic through it.
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Install the mitmweb certificates

To enable mitmweb to intercept HTTPS traffic, you need to install its root certificates. Follow these steps:

  1. On the mitmweb page, Go to File > Install Certificates
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  2. On this new page, Download the certificates based on your OS.
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  3. Go to Firefox Settings, Search Certificates, and Select View Certificates.
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  4. Go to Authorities, Select Import, and select the mitmproxy certificate you previously downloaded:
    • a80b0439b3ba20e894738e1bad40d1c8.png
    • 9448c122d18ec3fa6054722b4e70e0f1.png
  5. Now, your when you visit a page you should get the request in the mitmweb page and Burp Suite as well.

Record API Request and Generating OpenAPI Spec File

In this section, you’ll learn how to record API requests using mitmweb and convert them into an OpenAPI 3.0 spec.yml file using mitmproxy2swagger. This allows you to document and reuse API interactions in tools like Insomnia. Follow these steps:

  1. Once the proxy is set up, explore the target web application until there is nothing left to do to record all possible API requests.
  2. Next go to the mitmweb web server, and click File > Save to save the captured requests.
    • You can use the Save filtered option to only save the requests based on your filter.
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  3. Run the tool below, to convert the mitmproxy flow to OpenAPI 3.0 Format:
    • You can install this tool via its GitHub with docker.
    • The --examples flag enhances your API documentation with examples.
      # Without docker
      sudo mitmproxy2swagger -i <flow-file-location> -o spec.yml -p http://<> -f flow --examples
  4. Mitmproxy2swagger ignores endpoints it thinks are irreverent, however some are endpoints from our target website.
    • So, edit the spec.yml file and remove the ignore: from the endpoints that you want to include.
    • Only remove ignore:, removing spacing or the - can result in the script failing to work.
  5. Run mitmproxy2swagger once more, this will correct the format and spacing.

Using Insomnia

In this section, we’ll learn how to set up Insomnia for API testing.

After Setting Up Insomnia, you’ll be prompted to create an account. I recommend doing so as it provides access to all program features.

Next, you can follow these steps:

Creating a Project and Importing OpenAPI Spec Files

Before using Insomnia, you need to create a project to import your spec.yml file to.

  1. Click on Create a new Project:
    • 02343427754da7abdca232640b7171a3.png
  2. Create a new Collection:
    • 71837a22bbd88c57a127aecd4f8c8a13.png
    • f33f83a5d7d411400be94e8213360b99.png
  3. Enter in the Collection you just created, click on your Collection name, and Select From File.
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  4. Select the spec.yml you created from before, and Click on Scan > Import.
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  5. Now, you should see the API Requests were added to your Collection
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Editing Collection Variables

In Insomnia, collection variables are part of the collection environment and function similarly to Postman’s collection variables. These variables store reusable values, such as API keys, URLs, or other configuration details, that can be accessed across all requests within a collection.

Here’s how you can modify them and use them:

  1. Click on Base Environment, to edit the current Collection Variables select the pencil next to Collection Environments.
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  2. You can also use the Collection variables from the spec.yml file.
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  3. Now, the URL preview should include your API URL.
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Configuring Insomnia to Use Burp Suite Proxy

You can set up Insomnia to route traffic through Burp Suite, enabling you to intercept and analyze API requests in real time. Once configured, all requests sent from Insomnia will be captured by Burp Suite for inspection and testing.

  1. In Insomnia, Go to Application > Preferences > Proxy.
  2. Check Enable Proxy, and enter the Burp Suite Proxy address:
    • 6eded766a9774f1cb69981045e3382c6.png
  3. Now, any request you send via Insomnia will be also intercepted by Burp Suite.
  4. For example, I will send a POST request to forget-password for the email
    • 86c50c2292f79d946b0386c4c704483a.png
    • The request above also shows in Burp Suite as seen below:
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Organize and Inherit Settings with Insomnia Folders for Scripts, Tokens, and Variables

Insomnia folders allow you to manage shared settings like Scripts, Authentication Tokens, and Environment Variables for all requests within a folder. With the default “Inherit from Parent” setting, requests automatically use these configurations.

  1. Setting Authentication Tokens for Folders
  2. Setting Scripts for Folders

Setting Authentication Tokens for Folders

The request below only works when a user is logged in. If I send the request without any Authentication token it will give a 401 error:

  • c3524fd96f71fbcb6bf1242510fe7530.png

To fix this we can add authentication tokens to request like so:

  • ce7b1083008f5fb5512ed33746c63db3.png

However, this would be tedious to add a authentication token for each request, so we can create folder for authenticated requests and set the Authentication Token for all requests, like so:

  1. Get a token from the POST Login request
    • 43a0438c743e7577e39fc144c0cfd27d.png
  2. Create a folder named and put your authenticated requests inside of it.
  3. Click on the folder you created, Go to Auth, Select the Bearer Token option, and paste your token.
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  4. Now, if you send any authenticated request it will have the Bearer Token and give a 200 OK response.
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Setting Scripts for Folders

You can also set scripts for all the requests in the folder. In this example, lets check if the requests return a 200 status code.

  1. Click on your folder, and Select Scripts > After-response.
    • Like the name suggests, After-response scripts execute after getting the request response.
  2. Using the code we can check if status is 200:
    • b6562fd3197cce4d29f1f08ec57dae45.png
      insomnia.test('Check if status is 200', () => {
  3. To run the scripts, Right-Click on your folder, and Select Run Folder:
    • f81b0252ab548e64209da51bc08799b1.png
  4. Check Select all to select all your requests in the folder and Press Run:
    • 4bda311b87ac695e2cf6c07434b2acfe.png
  5. After running you will get the results of the tests as shown below:
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Testing for Public and Outdated API Versions with Insomnia and Burp Suite

(AKA Testing for Improper Assets Management)

In this section, I will show you how to combine Insomnia and Burp Suite to test for outdated API versions, as an alternative to using Postman.

In the API Penetration Testing course from APISecUniversity, Corey Ball demonstrates how to find outdated API versions using Postman.

A quick explanation of this vulnerability from my notes:

Testing for Public and Outdated API Versions involves identifying unsupported, outdated, or non-production versions of an API that may still be accessible. These older versions often lack patches for vulnerabilities fixed in newer releases, making them a potential security risk.

Finding undocumented API versions may indicate a Insufficient Technical Documentation vulnerability (CWE-1059), or even lead to more severe findings and the compromise of the client.

To find this vulnerability he uses the Find and Replace feature in Postman to modify all requests that contain a v3 version in the request and change them to v2, then runs the after-response script I showed you earlier to see if this change modifies the response in any request.

In the example, the check-otp endpoint still returned a 500 error instead of a 404 NOT Found error. This indicates that an old version of the check-otp endpoint still exists.

Although Insomnia doesn’t have a Find and Replace feature, Burp Suite, which intercepts all Insomnia requests, offers HTTP match and replace rules to modify any string in the HTTP request or response.

This means we create a HTTP match and replace rule to automate this process!

Creating a Burp Suite’s HTTP Match and Replace Rule:

  1. Open Burp Suite’s Settings, Go to Tools > Proxy > HTTP match and replace rules, and Click on Add.
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  2. In this new window, enter the following information and press OK:
    • Type: Request first line
    • Match: v3
    • Replace: v2
    • Comment (Optional): Change HTTP Path from v3 to v2
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  3. Now, when you resend the check-otp request, the v3 path will automatically be replaced with v2, resulting in a different response:
    • Without the match and replace rule:
      • b31a0e88ce19f378b78350d2ee73f167.png
    • With match and replace rule:
      • 2735a32f59c0d29c22338f7712177c56.png
  4. Now that the response has changed, we can attempt to brute-force the 4-digit OTP:
    • I will use Burp Suite Intruder for this example:
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This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.